Solar panels - a strategic and comprehensive investment in a better future

Solar panels - a strategic and comprehensive investment in a better future

Did you know that man has always been able to make good use of natural potentials, resources? The sun as the largest renewable source represents unlimited capital, which will be added to our planet for at least a million years and more. In one hour, it sends out as much energy as mankind consumes in a year. Therefore, the choice of self-sufficiency with solar energy is the right solution for future generations. Photovoltaic technology, one of the most evolving industries, is one of the ways of solar energy recovery. In the context of this, within the framework of the ABS Network project, together with our partners we developed a networking system that aims not only to spread knowledge in this area, but also to develop a solar thermally activated façade panel (STAF panel) that effectively uses solar energy. Over the course of two years, as our project took place, we developed and expanded the knowledge of the self-sufficiency process and the full use of solar energy.

And how does the self-sufficiency process work for those who use self-sustaining solar power plants for this purpose? The owner of such a power plant produces electricity, which, when generated by the surplus, emits to the network, and the shortcomings are taken from the network. On a monthly basis, he pays network charges, contributions and other charges related to billing power. Recently, the new regulation on self-handling of electricity, which allows for so-called group self-sufficiency, also came into force. This self-supply is no longer enabled only to the owners of single-family houses or business facilities, but also to different types of communities.

However, all this is evidence that the area of self-sufficiency and development of the solar type of energy use is developing at a high speed, which points to a bright future in the exploitation of the solar source. All for the purpose and preserving an even more beautiful and cleaner planet. Further development and progress t. i. The STAFF panel is so near at hand, and as such will have a significant impact on the changing mindset of individual users.
