The ABS-Network project, funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg V-A SI-AT programme, received 690.164€ co-financing from the ERDF, and launched its first activities at the beginning of June, which will lead to the development a technological innovation in the field of solar energy utilization in connection with the energy needs of buildings.
The research, supported by numerous simulations, the persistent search for solutions and upgrades, testing and transfer of knowledge into practice, will be followed by project partners for the next two years, which will pursue the goal of producing a prototype solar thermally activated façade panel.

At the first kick off meeting, which took place in early June in Graz, we are project partners from the Technical University of Graz, Talum d.d. Kidričevo and Tiko Pro d.o.o. We started with the first activities on the project.
The ABS - Network project has a wider added value - not only to look at the technological solution in the field of renewable energy resources, which will improve the energy balance of buildings, it will also enable the transfer of knowledge, regional integration and participation of actors from two neighboring countries.
Therefore, an important result of the project will be the so-called Knowledge Network that will be supported by various business events and will enable the integration of companies and academic institutions in the program region (Slovenia - Austria) with the aim of joint cooperation and the possibility of creating development partnerships in the future.
The interdisciplinarity of the ABS - Network project partnership is set in a way that it combines competencies and knowledge into a form that has not existed in the programming region so far - so the outlook for the 26 months of development and research cooperation and the dissemination of results in the project team is extremely pleasing.
The first detailed information on the course of the project, its content and activities will be available to the public at the end of the summer at a press conference to be held in Graz, organized by the project team ABS - Network.