The participants of ABS network: Technical University of Graz, TALUM d.d. and Tiko-Pro d.o.o., have after 26 months of intensive work, research and developing of STAF panel research, revealed the prototype of STAF panel to the wider public. They have also accomplished creating and spreading of the web of knowledge. Company Talum d.d. joined the project with Talum Evaporators as the sole producer of evaporation panels or flat heat exchangers using the technology of roll bond in the region, not only to spread knowledge, but also to explore and develop a sustainable product for other applications.

Firstly, the team had to analyze the existing technical solutions of the field of solar energy usage in construction facades, to be able to make the STAF panel prototype. It was also necessary to combine the knowledge of educational institutions and the industry and further to design the latest technical proposals to create a solar, thermic activated façade panel.
STAF panel has a lot of advantages, for unlike ordinary panels, it is designed to stand-alone, without any under construction, at the same time it efficiently uses solar energy and is energy efficient.
Dr. Janko Ferčec of the TALUM company commented on 26 months of work: “The purpose of the project was to develop a prototype of the facade panel, on which measurements were made. They made us understand weather the panel has a potential on wider usage. The other important mission of the research was to spread the knowledge through scientific papers.”